mark angel and denilson

Did YouTube Make Mark Angel a Billionaire?

Denilson Igwe’s claim in the Honest Bunch podcast that the Mark Angel Comedy YouTube channel earned $160,000 monthly in 2016 automatically makes Mark Angel a billionaire in Naria.

This group—Mark Angel Comedy—is undoubtedly among the earlycomers on YouTube in Nigeria. The oldest public video on their YouTube channel suggests that their first video, with over 300k views, was uploaded on June 29, 2013, about 11 years ago.

We will find out if Mark Angel, the channel’s face, is really a Nigerian billionaire, find out the realistic estimate of Mark Angel’s channel’s YouTube earnings, whether he earned $160k in a month in 2016, their current YouTube earnings estimate, and my candid advice to Denilson.

A check on Mark Angel Comedy’s channel shows that they have over two billion views on their videos, and when you convert these views to US dollars based on an average CPM of $4, this means advertisers have paid about $7 million for the views on their channel from inception. Converting this amount to Naira based on the current exchange rate is about 12 billion Naira. So you can do the math yourself, whether he is a billionaire or not.

The figure may not be accurate

The type of videos Mark Angel makes is among the lowest-paid niches on YouTube. With 7 million views (which got Graham Stephan – another YouTuber – over $100,000), he (Mark Angel) may hardly earn up to $10,000 because of the niche of his videos. Most of the videos he uploaded back then were less than 3 minutes long, which will further impact his earnings negatively earnings.

This is why most popular skit and comedy creators like Mr. Macaroni, Brother Shaggi, and Brain Jotter make videos longer than 8 minutes to boost their earnings. Most of them started by making skits that were a minute long, and when they realized that longer videos would pay more, they started making longer videos; some, like Brain Jotter, uploaded movies of up to 2 hours long on their YouTube channel.

The Honest Podcast Interview

In the Honest Bunch Podcast, the source of the $160,000/month amount mentioned was a website (SocialBlade) that estimates what creators make on different platforms. From my findings, Mark Angel Comedy’s YouTube channel may not have earned that much back in 2023.

In the video below, you will find out what Mark Angel Comedy Channel could be earning compared to another YouTuber making videos in a high-paying niche.

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