Waneeta is successful locally as a life coach. She’s a successful practitioner helping people achieve their goals from all walks of life. However, Waneeta is struggling to grow her influence through YouTube. She’s been making videos for years but only managed to attract a few followers.
She is frustrated because she knows that YouTube is a great way of spreading her message and reaching out to more people. She’s seen other life coaches who have built successful businesses using YouTube. Waneeta wants to do the same, but she is not sure how to break through.
In order to grow her YouTube channel, Waneeta tried a couple of different things. She tried various video formats, promoted her videos on social media, and even paid for some promotions. However, nothing seems to be working.
Waneeta is starting to think she might be doing something wrong. She’s been reading books and articles about YouTube channel growth, but they don’t seem to work for her. She’s beginning to get discouraged.
The Game Changer
One day, Waneeta was talking to a friend who is also a life coach. Her friend told her that she was struggling with the same thing some time ago and that she tried growing her YouTube channel for years but was only able to attract a small audience.
Her friend finally figured out what she was doing wrong – that she was trying to be too professional in her videos. She was trying to create videos that everybody would like but ended up connecting with nobody.
Waneeta’s friend tells her that she needs to be himself in her videos. She needs to let her personality speak for itself. She’s got to make sure the videos are real and genuine.
So, Waneeta listened to her friend’s advice and began making more personal videos, sharing her own stories and experiences, and talking about her own struggles and successes.
It took Wanita just six months to achieve results she couldn’t in the past three years, and she also reached her goal of building a successful YouTube channel that helped her reach a wider audience.
Practical Example
In our community, one of us has used just an Android phone, not even a flagship one, to gain over 25,000 subscribers to her channel in less than 14 months. People want to see and engage with down-to-earth creators who are sharing experiences and stories they can relate to. And if, as a creator, you can’t achieve this basic ingredient, building a community and reaching a wider audience will be a herculean task.
A creator who engaged my service earlier this year asked for my advice that she wanted to run a paid promotion on her channel, then she had up to 3,000 subscribers. I told her she should not do that now; it was too earlier in her creator’s career unless she was rendering a service or marketing a product on her channel.
I told her to work on other things that will add value to her channel, like improving her editing skills, camera appearance, audio quality, consistency, understanding her analytics, and all others. In less than four months, she has gained up to 10 subscribers, and as of writing this post, she is 12,000+, gaining over 3,000 subscribers every month. Imagine she did a paid promotion on her channel and did it wrongly with poor content; she would have ruined her channel.
Sometimes, we think getting fancy gadgets and being too professional on camera will attract more eyes to our content. Most times, the opposite is the case. I have seen a creator who spent millions to set up a YouTube studio in preparation to launch his YouTube channel and ended up giving up after uploading 13 videos on his channel. This is a case of starting big and ending none.
As a vlogging YouTuber, using paid promotion should be the last option for growing your channel. But if you have things to offer for profit on the channel, then it is not a bad idea.
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2 responses to “Is Paid Promotion for Me?”
Help me grow my channel
The idea do I need to know to grow my channel